A gavel sitting on top of an article.

Professional Guidance Through Probate

Professional Guidance Through Probate

Probate is the legal process that follows after a person's passing. The Probate court seeks to ensure that the deceased persons assets are properly distributed and debts settled. It’s important to remember even If you die in the State of Michigan with a Will your heirs are required to submit to the jurisdiction of the probate court and follow a lengthy probate process before receiving distributions from your estate.

At The Wright Law Firm, we recognize that this process can be overwhelming. We're here to provide professional guidance through every stage of the probate process, ensuring your peace of mind during a difficult time.

Navigating the Probate Journey

Navigating the Probate Journey

Validating the Will

Validating the Will

Confirming the authenticity and legality of the deceased's will, if one exists.

Personal Representative

Personal Representative

Designating a personal representative to manage the estate's affairs, including debt resolution and asset distribution.

Asset Assessment

Asset Assessment

Identifying and evaluating the deceased's assets may include property, investments, and personal possessions.

Debt Settlement

Debt Settlement

Addressing outstanding debts, taxes, and expenses using estate funds. Publication of Notice to Creditors.

Asset Distribution

Asset Distribution

Distributing remaining assets among beneficiaries as outlined in the will or according to state laws if no will exists.

How We Can Assist You

How We Can Assist You

Legal Insight

Legal Insight

We possess a deep understanding of probate laws and proceedings. We strive to alleviate your burden by managing legal complexities, and offering guidance and support throughout the process. We will make every effort to expedite the probate process while ensuring accuracy and compliance with legal requirements. For more information, feel free to get in touch.

A person is writing on the will and testament.