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Frequently Asked Questions
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- A properly drawn estate plan provides not only a framework for passing assets on death but can also provide safety, security, and peace of mind for you and your loved ones.
- Newly Married, serious relationship
- Single with assets.
- Purchased your first home or
- Own a Home, Vacation Home, Land, Commercial Property
- Became a Parent – Birth of a child or adoption
- Going on vacation
- Death of a spouse or partner
- Divorce/Remarriage
- Having Surgery
- Diagnosed with serious illness
- Concerns about aging parents – Do they have a Will or Trust? Do they have the Medical and Financial Powers of Attorneys?
- You have a child or loved one with special needs.
- Retirement
- Pets Ownership - Setting up a plan after you are gon
- People often underestimate their financial value. Perhaps you have equity in your home or own a home, vacation home, life insurance, retirement account(s), investments, boat, RV, car, etc. This adds up to a higher net worth than you thought you possessed.
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